Here is my blend of the famous group Black Eyed Peas. Previewest year they released their album ''The End'' that stands for ''The Energy Never Dies''. Based on that i put this together!
Creation 22: Black Eyed Peas - The Energy Never Dies
Here is my blend of the famous group Black Eyed Peas. Previewest year they released their album ''The End'' that stands for ''The Energy Never Dies''. Based on that i put this together!
Creation 21: Stereo
Here an blend I made an month ago. I used an promotional picture of Dutch band Stereo. Copying their logo, searching usefull pictures and blend! Making the broken floor and after a while we have the band in an old parkinglot.
Creation 20: Megan Fox ''Jennifer's Body''
Megan Fox is al een aantal weken te zien in de film ''Jennifer's Body''. Ze speelt de populaire cheerleader Jennifer wiens lichaam in bezit is genomen door een kwaadaardige demon. Ik heb deze blend gemaakt die redelijk past bij de film. De grunge style en de tekst maken het helemaal af. Ik ben trouwens afgestapt van Hell Yes.
The movie ''Jennifer's Body'' is going about a populair cheerleader Jennifer played by Megan Fox who's body is taken by an evil demon. I made this blend with an Grunge style, just like the movie. The text on the schoolboard was ''Hell Yes'' but I wanted to do something diffrent.
Creation 19: Little Boots
Little Boots is a new artist with her own style; with music but with her album and single cover too. (As you can see the first picture below.) Their useing images of clouds, moon, stars and sometimes they use the same image twice. I made the second image below with almost the same style.
Creation 18: Selena Gomez - I Promise U
Again an new blend made with photoshop. This time with Selena Gomez and her song ''I Promise You''. I used this photo because it's cute; just like the song. I changed her brown with grey outfit to this. More cooller don't you think? And I changed the song title for the balance of the typography. Because of the I in the begining.
Creation 17: Esmée Denters
Hier is een blend met Esmée Denters. Ik vondt deze foto en dacht dat ik er wel wat leuks mee kon doen. Deed er een uur over (ongeveer); met dit resultaat.
Here is just a blend made with this photo of Esmée Denters. When i found the photo i was already thinking of doing something nice with it. I Did this one in an hour; i think..
Creation 16: Demi Lovato - Gift Of A Friend
This new blend is inspired by Demi Lovato's video and song Gift Of A Friend. This song is also the soundtrack for the new Tinkerbell movie and thats why i used some magic :P. This one is made with photoshop started with this picture.
Creation 15: Jonas Brothers - Burnin' Up
Creation 14: Dark Scene
I Made this image two years ago with a workshop from Comterarts.
It was nothing special and in the end it look just fine. This one is made with Photoshop.
Creation 13: Chaos on the Filmset

Here is a blend that has cost me a lot of time. Everything on this image was make out diffrent images, The taxi, T-rex, heli, ufo, city, police car and even the road hasn't had fractures. It's like a movie but more chaotic.
Creation 12: Mika - We Are Golden
Creation 11 - Hannah Montana - Lets Get Crazy
And another blend i made today. This time it's Disney's Hannah Montana aka Miley Cyrus. I made this happy image in photoshop. I used an half hour. I like this one because of the unity in colours and the joy. Enjoy!
Creation 10 - She-wolf
De video from Shakira's new song She-wolf (loba) is almost comming. Knowing the title of the number i made this blend in photoshop. It's not what i wanted to do but i still like it!
Creation 9 - Creative guitar
I thought i had to post something so here i am! I made this agenda cover with a lot of elements from illustrator and the guitar and background in photoshop. I did this one with some help from Computer Arts. I Don't realy know why i made this. It's a while ago sinds i made this. I added the text later.
Creation 8 - When Love Takes Over
This time i made an blend inspired by When Love Takes Over from David Guetta and Kelly Rowland. Started with this photo: Click here!
Creation 7 - Nick Jonas Paranoid!
After some searching and checking some music video; where my inspiration came from, i finnaly made something new. Every other time, it take more time. This time i was inspired by the music video Paranoid from the Jonas Brothers where Nick drives a car in the desert. I did some searching: found Nick in almost same outfit, the car and some desert! I did some cutting, add some textures and finnished.. Im almost two hours. ;) Maby i make the other brothers Paranoid versions.
Creation 6 - Trainwreck
Nice to see you back on my blog! I didn't had the time to make someting thats why you had to wait for a month. School and work take al my time! But.. I made this blend today inspired by the song Trainwreck from Demi Lovato's album Don't Forget. I hope you like it (because i had to work but did this :p) because i blended the photo's like i'm crazy.. It's finished!
Creation 5 - Dead And Gone
Finally i made someting new.. This because the less inspiration an a lot of schoolwork. The blend made with photoshop is inspired by the song Dead And Gone from T.I. Ft. Justin Timberlake. I Think that i could do better... Soon there will be more than my own stuff; you will see trips expositions and more!
Creation 4 - Mr. Timberlake
Eindelijk heb ik wat nieuws kunnen maken. Ik had er eigenlijk helemaal geen tijd voor maar ik had er gewoon zin in. Duss.. wat je hier ziet is een blend van Justin maar dat wisten jullie vast al. Gemaakt met photoshop en eigenlijk was ik eerst op heel iets anders uit, maar eigenlijk denk ik nu toch dat ik hem niet anders wilde maken. Het is trouwens niet echt bijzonder; heb er maar +/- een uurtje aan gewerkt ;)
Finally i'f got something new. I Didn't had the time but i still whanned to make something. Soo.. As you can see if made a blend with Mr. Timberlake. This is another made with photoshop but first i wanned something else. Still i think it worked out right. I'ts not an special blend. I Did this one in an hour.
Creation 3: Beyoncé - Halo
This time again an blend with photoshop. I'm verry happy with this one. A little because it isn't like the videoclip from beyoncé. Only the name and the artist. This one got the exact atmosphere i whanted to give to this creation! As you can see, this creation is inspired by the song Halo from Beyoncé.
Click to see it big! ;)
Creation 2 - Love Story
Door haar ben ik een beetje van country muziek gaan houden ;p
Hello everyone! Here is my first photoshopped blend here on CF. This blend is from the song Love Story by Taylor Swift. She realy made her way to Europe and she is gonne be big there! I hope so. This is to celabrate it ;). She makes me listen to counrty music.
Click on it!
Creation 1 - Skull Mask
Hoppa my first creation made with Illustraitor. This one is made in 2008 but I still wanted to post this one. With the same creation I will make an header.
Nice to C Ya Here!
welkom op Creation Factory!
Het is nog allemaal een beetje leeg maar over een paar dagen zal de site goed gevuld zijn met creaties van mij :). Ik werk met illustrator en photoshop maar ben nog niet reuze goed. Wat ik zal laten zien is (misschien wel) blends, achtergronden, cd covers, verpakkingen zelfgemaakte caracters net waar ik zin in heb. Onderwerpen kunnen zijn films, muziek, ipod, games... Hopenlijk kunnen jullie nog even wachten!
Het is nog allemaal een beetje leeg maar over een paar dagen zal de site goed gevuld zijn met creaties van mij :). Ik werk met illustrator en photoshop maar ben nog niet reuze goed. Wat ik zal laten zien is (misschien wel) blends, achtergronden, cd covers, verpakkingen zelfgemaakte caracters net waar ik zin in heb. Onderwerpen kunnen zijn films, muziek, ipod, games... Hopenlijk kunnen jullie nog even wachten!
Welcome to Creation Factory! The blog is still a little empty but if ya wait a few days you wil see my creations. Most of them i will make with illustrator and photoshop, but i'm not some superartist :P. What you mably will see is blends, wallpapers, cd covers, selfmade caracters.. Mably about music, movies, ipod, games. Hopefully you can wait a little bit longer!
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